The Importance of Home Health Services After a Stroke

Statistics show that more than 795,000 people in the United States suffer a stroke every year.[1] A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked. Sudden bleeding in the brain can also lead to a stroke if it damages brain cells.[2] A stroke can happen at any...

How Do I Get Home Health Care for My Aging Parents?

Home health care may be the answer if you have a parent who is recovering from an illness or injury or needs help managing a medical condition. This care involves licensed medical professionals who provide skilled care to patients wherever they live. Nurses,...

How Will I Know It’s Time to Start Hospice Services?

Hospice services provide care and comfort for people with serious illnesses. Deciding to start hospice care is difficult because it means admitting that no cure is available or deciding not to continue treatments to prolong a person’s lifespan. Those are tough...

Palliative Care vs. Hospice: Which is the Right Decision?

When someone is living with a serious illness, finding appropriate care is vital to assuring their comfort and supporting those around them. Palliative care and hospice are two common types of services that can provide people with the care they need during their most...
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