Aleca in Washington
Aleca Services Provided in Washington

Washington Home Health
If you’re looking for home health in Washington, then Aleca Home Health is an ideal option for both ongoing care, and rehabilitation services. Every service from Aleca can be performed on an outpatient basis, allowing patients to recover in the comfort of their homes.

Work Injury Treatment in Washington
For those seeking work injury treatment in Washington, Aleca has a designated workers’ compensation team that will coordinate and administer care, in addition to helping patients navigate the financial components of Washington workers compensation.

Outpatient Therapy in Washington
An important part of Aleca’s Spectrum of Care is our comprehensive and personalized Outpatient Therapy program offered in Washington. Whether you just returned home from a Short-Term Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, or you were discharged directly home following your procedure or surgery, you can still benefit from outpatient therapy.

Senior Living Therapy in Washington
Senior Living Therapy can be provided along with curative treatment. By relieving your symptoms, we assist you to relieve stress, prevent and manage pain and discomfort, and increase functionality to promote your quality of life and preserve your dignity.