When people hear about hospice services, they may have some preconceived notions about what they are and what they entail. This may hinder their acceptance of hospice care. But once they truly understand what hospice care is, they can see the benefits and may become more open to considering these valuable and compassionate end-of-life services. As we break down the barriers surrounding common misconceptions about hospice services, we’ll also share how Aleca Home Health can help those on their hospice journey.
What is Hospice Care?
Hospice care focuses on giving patients the dignity and comfort they deserve during their final days. Generally, those who enter hospice care have six months or less to live without medical intervention.[1] When people enter hospice care, the focus shifts from trying to cure an illness to making people as comfortable as possible. Many people who have serious illnesses, such as cancer, may choose not to continue treatments such as chemotherapy and prefer to have hospice services instead.
Common Myths about Hospice Services
Here are some common myths surrounding hospice services:
Myth: Hospice Care Means Giving Up on Life.
Fact: When someone chooses hospice care, it does not mean they are giving up on life. Rather, it means they are shifting focus from efforts to cure their illness to efforts to make them more comfortable. For some with an incurable illness, this path is not as painful as continuing to receive treatment.
Myth: Those Entering Hospice Care Only Have Days to Live.
Fact: Those entering hospice care can have months left to live, as hospice care is generally reserved for those with six months or less to live.
Myth: Patients Need to Enter a Hospice Facility to Receive Hospice Care.
Fact: While patients can choose to receive hospice care at a specific facility, they can receive services anywhere they call home. This can be a private residence, nursing home, or hospital.
Myth: You Can’t Keep Your Doctor When Receiving Hospice Services.
Fact: Patients’ family doctors are encouraged to remain active in their care. A hospice physician can communicate with the patient’s primary care doctor to learn more about the patient and discuss specific medical needs.
Myth: Hospice Care Ends with the Patient’s Passing.
Fact: Hospice care is for families and patients. Services and support are available throughout hospice care and after a patient’s passing. Social services, grief counseling, spiritual guidance, and more are available through the hospice program for up to a full year after a patient’s passing.
Myth: Family Members Need to be Around to Help with Hospice Care 24/7.
Fact: Hospice services are available whether family members are present to help with care or not. Facilities have in-patient units, staff, and volunteers to facilitate care at home.
Myth: You Need Medicare or Medicaid to Receive Hospice.
Fact: While Medicare and Medicaid can pay for hospice services, they are not necessary to receive care. There are many other different payment options for hospice care.
Myth: Hospice Administers Drugs to Speed up Death.
Fact: Morphine may be used in small doses to make patients more comfortable. It is not used in large dosages to cause addiction or sedation. Dosage amounts are only increased if the patient feels more pain. Hospice staff do not give high doses of drugs to cause patients to sleep all of the time.
Myth: Hospice Patients Must Have a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order in Place.
Fact: While some hospice patients may have a DNR in place, it is not a prerequisite to receive care.
Myth: Patients Receiving Hospice Services and Care are Denied Food and Water.
Fact: Hospice staff will never deny patients food and water. Many patients may not feel hungry or thirsty at the end of life, as that is part of the process, but a hospice staff member would never discourage a patient from eating or drinking.
Hospice Services at Aleca Home Health
Aleca Home Health provides quality hospice services for patients in the greater Phoenix, AZ area. Each patient is assigned a team of licensed professionals to provide the best comprehensive care possible. This team may consists of:
- Attending physician
- Registered nurse care manager
- Medical director
- Certified nurse practitioners
- Director of clinical services
- Social workers
- Home health aides
- Volunteers
At Aleca, our team focuses on the emotional needs of patients and families. We are committed to patient-centered care that aligns with patients’ wishes during their final days. Call us today to learn more about our hospice services.
[1] https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/what-are-palliative-care-and-hospice-care#palliative

Dan is Vice President, Marketing of the Alumus family of companies. A Seattle native, he earned his BA in Humanities and Political Science at Evergreen State College. He started his career as a newspaper columnist, eventually transitioning into marketing and tech writing for Microsoft and several other startups. He later launched a successful creative agency focused on branding, digital marketing, and content production in Los Angeles, where he worked for several nursing and behavioral health clients, eventually becoming the National Marketing Director for one of them.
He has taught Vipassana mindfulness meditation and MBSR and spends whatever free time he has with his son snowboarding, hiking, and camping in the mountains.