What Patient-Centered Senior Living Therapy Means

Senior living brings many amenities to the more than 800,000 Americans who reside in these facilities across the country [1]. These facilities bring activities, nutritious meals, and many services, including senior living therapy. This type of therapy allows seniors to get the care they need in the place where they call home. As we look at what services Aleca provides, we’ll also explore the benefits so that you can see why many facilities bring this type of care to their residents.

Senior Living Therapy Services with Aleca

Aleca works with senior living facilities to bring various therapy services that will benefit residents and help them gain the strength they need in different areas.

Physical Therapy

This helps seniors who need to increase muscle strength and have balance issues. Physical therapy in a senior living setting can also include restorative therapy programs. These can consist of strength-based exercises. The goal is to make participants stronger and decrease their risk of falling.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy in a senior living environment can benefit residents who suffer from mobility issues. Therapists will focus on fine motor movements and daily tasks to help them gain independence. Those who have arthritis or who have suffered a stroke can also benefit from occupational therapy.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy focuses on helping seniors with their speech and any other mouth-related issues they may have due to a stroke or other illness. This can include chewing and swallowing food.

Respiratory Therapy

Aleca therapists can also provide respiratory therapy to senior living residents. Therapists can administer various techniques to aid seniors experiencing difficulty breathing due to pneumonia or another illness.

Depending on the residents’ needs, any of these therapies can be available on a short—or long-term basis.

Benefits of Senior Living Therapy

Patients  quickly see the many benefits it can bring:


When seniors can get the services they need without leaving their homes, they are more likely to participate. This convenience level also means fewer skipped sessions, which equates to better results.

Comfortable Setting

Receiving therapy sessions in the place you call home provides a comfort level that a regular therapy facility may not. If seniors are more comfortable, they will be more relaxed and can receive all of the benefits their service offers.

Prevent Unnecessary Hospitalizations

Various therapies can provide seniors with the help they need and prevent hospitalizations. For example, seniors receiving respiratory therapy services can improve their breathing patterns at home rather than go to the hospital. Those receiving physical therapy can prevent falls by gaining the strength they need.

Restores Independence

Many seniors in senior living facilities still want to be able to do many things independently. Receiving therapy services allows seniors to regain the mobility and strength they need for independence, which can also help restore confidence.

Improve Quality of Life

When seniors receive therapy and regain some functions they may have lost, it can also improve their quality of life. They can feel good about themselves and have an overall sense of well-being that can help them to remain positive daily.

Are You Looking for Senior Living Therapy? Contact Aleca Today!

If you want to learn more about senior living therapy services, contact Aleca today! Our team of therapists are certified and trained to give the best services possible. Call us today and discover why more people trust Aleca for senior living therapy.



[1] https://www.forbes.com/health/senior-living/assisted-living-statistics/


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