Create Meaningful Connections

Why Volunteer?

Volunteering allows for meaningful connections, sometimes in surprising ways. Here are a few ways volunteering can improve your life.

A B Cs of Volunteering

Advance your Career

People who volunteer are more likely to be hired by employers! Volunteering allows you to make new professional contacts and develop new skills, which is good for your career. Prospective employers notice!

Build Meaningful Relationships

Relationships are the CORNERSTONE of happiness. Volunteering provides opportunities to meet people and make friends. As many as half of the population feels lonely, and loneliness is linked to poor health. Regular volunteering helps people get the social interaction they need to feel happy, healthy, and connected to others.

Contribute to your Community

Come join the Aleca Hospice Community and contribute to our mission of improving the quality of life for our hospice patients! Helping others can lead to a strong sense of purpose and satisfaction. Whether you would like to volunteer once or ongoing, we would be honored to have you!

Call today! (480) 748-4300 and ask for the hospice volunteer coordinator.
Visit us at

A B Cs of Volunteer Roles

Administrative Help

Hospice volunteers can assist with making phone calls, send out mailings, and coordinate or host special events.

Bereavement Support

Provide bereavement support. Assist the bereavement coordinator with support groups, monthly mailings, run errands, and much more!

Care for Patients

Provide home visits, read to patients, play games, offer guided meditation, or bring your certified pet!

Special Skills

Share your artistic talents with our patients. Poetry, music, crafts, or any creative endeavor!

Schedule a Discovery Call