What is Phoenix Hospice Care and How Does it Care for Patients?

If you have a loved one who is seriously ill, deciding the next step to take in their care can be difficult. Many families opt for hospice care because the quality of life their loved ones receive exceeds other available medical treatments. At Aleca, we provide top-quality Phoenix based hospice care that allows patients and families to spend their final days together, according to the patient’s wishes. As we explore hospice care services, we will look at who they are best suited for, what you can expect, and what Aleca Hospice Care provides for Arizona patients.

What is Hospice Care?

The focus of hospice care is to provide care and comfort for a patient with a severe illness who is nearing their final days. People who enter hospice generally have six months or less to live without medical intervention, according to their doctor.[1]

Some patients with a terminal illness, such as cancer, may choose to forego medical intervention to have a better quality of life during their final days. If they are told there is no cure, many patients choose to spend time with their families rather than undergo more medical procedures that may have them in and out of the hospital. The goal of hospice care is for a patient to live more comfortably for the remainder of their life. Instead of focusing on care that can try to extend their life at the expense of quality, they can choose to have a better quality of life with their loved ones for whatever time that may remain.

Hospice care can be provided anywhere a patient calls home, whether at a private residence, nursing home, or elsewhere. While there are some hospice centers, it is unnecessary to go to a hospice center to receive hospice care. Many people choose to have hospice care at home because that is where they feel most comfortable.

People with several different types of serious illnesses can benefit from hospice care. This can include:

  • Cancer
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Lung Disease
  • Stroke
  • Dementia

Many times, people with these conditions and a variety of others can experience a physical and/or cognitive decline despite medical treatment. This can include weight loss, extreme fatigue, and other symptoms.[2] It is these conditions that may lead them to opt for hospice care rather than continue medical treatment that is not improving their condition.

How Does Hospice Care Comfort Patients and Families?

When hospice care begins, patients receive visits from their care team, which can include a hospice doctor, nurse, home health aide, and social worker. Patients can also receive medication to control their pain better, but not medication that would change their condition. The goal is to make the patient feel comfortable with their condition.

Medical equipment like a hospital bed, oxygen, and other medical supplies can also be provided. Some patients also receive dietary counseling.[2]

Spiritual care is a part of hospice care as well. The hospice team takes the time to understand each patient’s spiritual needs and religious beliefs to provide the type of care that can help along with the other services they receive.

Besides caring for patients, families also receive support. This can include short-term respite care to give them rest and avoid burnout. Grief counseling is also available for families during the hospice care stage and for up to 13 months after a death.

Aleca is Here to Provide Quality Phoenix Hospice Care

Aleca offers compassionate Phoenix hospice care for patients to provide the best quality of life during their final days. At Aleca Hospice Care, our hospice care team consists of:

  • Attending Physician
  • Registered Nurse Care Manager
  • Volunteers
  • Director of Clinical Services
  • Social Workers
  • Certified Nurse Practitioners
  • Medical Director
  • Home Health Aides/Certified Nursing Assistants

We provide hospice care that not only comforts patients but also family members who are going through this difficult time. You can count on us to give your loved one control over how they live their final days.

At Aleca, our hospice care team is devoted to providing patient-centered care. We ensure that care and comfort are provided according to the patient’s wishes. Contact us today to learn more about Aleca Hospice Care and how it can help you and your loved one during life’s most challenging time.



[1] https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/what-are-palliative-care-and-hospice-care#palliative

[2] https://hospicefoundation.org/Hospice-Care/Hospice-Services

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